October Goals

You might notice it’s been a while since I wrote about goals. Maybe my goal should be to regularly write about my goals! lol Let’s start with October goals, shall we?

Changing Things Up for October Goals

For starters, I’m moving away from ALL the goals. Having separate physical, spiritual, etc, etc, goals left me feeling a bit overwhelmed and a lot like a failure when I couldn’t keep up with all of them. So I’m getting back to the basics.

Big three.

Daily. Weekly. Monthly.

I can focus on three, and I feel like where there is focus, there is success! So big three it is!

Getting Organized

Thanks to a WordPress friend, I’ve rediscovered and renewed my interest in Notion. I wrote here about my initial thoughts, but to be honest I didn’t really “get it” at the time.

But thanks to Mickey’s YouTube video, I started rethinking how I could use it to organize my week. I’m incorporating the big three into this, on a weekly basis right now, but moving towards expanding that soon.

I’ll share more about how I’m using Notion now… maybe that should be one of my goals. 😀

Big Three

So this month, October 2019, is going to be a bit crazy. I still am focusing on my big three, but I’m also giving myself some grace. Here’s a bit of what October holds:

  • My husband’s birthday was at the very end of September
  • Our anniversary is the first week of October
  • My birthday is the third week of October
  • I have two trips to Las Vegas this month for work (tradeshows!)
  • I’m speaking at WordCamp DFW
  • I’m starting to do more consulting work
  • My husband recently started working full time again
  • Did I mention I have a full-time job too?

Whew! I’m already tired! Good thing I’ve scheduled some vacation days in there to rest. I know that spending three days in Las Vegas for work, then going straight to DFW for WordCamp is going to be exhausting, so I’m taking care of myself by scheduling a couple of “vacation” days right after. #mentalhealth

So here’s this month’s big three…

1. Write at least one more chapter in eBook

I’ve been procrastinating and I need to just buckle down and get this done. With everything going on this month I’m not sure I can get the whole thing done, but one chapter isn’t too much to ask! And if I can finish one a month it should be done by the end of the year. Woo hoo! lol

2. Fast once a week

I recently read The Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung and it’s really affected what and when I eat. Even when I’m super busy and traveling, with a little planning I can still fast at least a day a week.

I’m still a beginner, so no real tips or anything. I’m doing good if I can make it 24 hours at a time. Once that gets more comfortable then I’ll expand to 36 hours.

So far, so good. I’ve dropped a few pounds and haven’t make my blood sugars insanely crazy. All good things.

3. Pay off at least one credit card

I haven’t talked much about it, but we’ve been really trying to make headway on paying off debt. Especially since my husband started working full time. We both have credit cards, student loans and car loans. We’re average. But we want to be weird and be completely debt free.

We are following the Dave Ramsey debt snowball plan (baby step 2 for those who are familiar). Maybe I’ll share more about that later.

Fingers crossed we are able to knock a few out, but I’ve got one in particular that I’m more than ready to see go in the shredder!


So that’s it for me. It’s a relief to get my October goals down on “paper” and out into the world.

So tell me, what are your goals for October?